Our Headmaster Randy Frey, wrote a booklet on Classical Christian Education. Download links below in Resources section.
King Alfred Academy is seeking to return to a rich tradition of education which has blessed God’s people for thousands of years.
Classical Christian education believes that Christians must fulfill the command given by God in Ephesians 6:4, “Bring them [children] up in the discipline and instruction [Paideia] of the Lord.” The paideia of the Lord is instruction in all of life with the Lord as the centre and giver of all knowledge. Therefore, at King Alfred Academy, all subjects are taught as part of an integrated whole with Scripture at the centre. Learning should not be compartmentalised; rather all subjects should be integrated as to give a deeper and broader understanding of the world. Students learn to see how literature and history and science and theology are related and are shown how all knowledge ultimately points back to God, the creator of all things. The selection of subjects of a classical school will also be focused so they can be taught with depth and integration.
Classical teachers model a Biblical Christian life, and encourage each student to begin and develop his or her relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. They have a love for learning and a passion to teach students as they say, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”
Classical Christian education encourages all students to develop a lifelong love for learning and attain their academic potential. They are challenged with the great books of western civilization, theology, philosophy, and history. They learn to analyze books through the lens of the biblical worldview. Books are currated in such a way to cultivate the mind and train them in virtue.
Classical Christian education utilizes the trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric) in all subjects so that the God-given strengths which children display throughout the different stages of their life can be capitalized upon. This not only helps in the gaining of knowledge but also teaches students the process of learning for the future, as subjects are taught from the foundation up.